Thursday, June 20, 2013

My summary

I meant to write a post or two last week, but the boys had VBS, and then then Busy Chick turned 4 and had a party, and then the boys grandparents came and whisked them away to a far away place for 4 nights...and before I tell you all what heaven is like...I'll sum up last week....

-VBS 5 days in a row...and I am the opposite of on time...always...have been my entire life....poor little Brainy Chick would LOVE to be on time all the time, and's just never going to happen.  He actually considers it a treat, if you will, when we are on time...that's how rarely it happens!  So....back to VBS...we are pretty much late to VBS 4 of the 5 days...but never fear...since I'm always late, I'm quite ok with it!

-day 2 of VBS Brainy Chick and Busy Chick are actually ready, and almost on time...and then Chickette climbs up into the learning tower...and I'm out of the room, and hear a loud I ask the boys what it was...and they both say " Chickette fell out of the learning tower" those of you that are unfamiliar with learning towers, the lowest point of a learning tower is at least 18 inches off the ground....and she fell out of it somewhere...and then she held her breath, ran to me, and right before she got there, she fainted...out.cold....did I call 911?  NO...why you ask....well, I've been schooled in kids that faint by Busy Chick...he does this I actually knew that she probably would faint...she came too, I gave her a minute, and we loaded up for VBS...late.again.....

-days 3, 4, and 5 of VBS go off w/out a hitch....

-day 5 of VBS we have 2 friends over after VBS to help their mama and I, rather ambitiously, decide to take them to the local farm...I give them my warning of "go to the potty now b/c I am NOT going in the portojohn with you...NOT NOT NOT"....all 4 kids in underpants say they are fine...we go play, and Busy Chick decides he needs to pee...being the class act I am, I found him a lovely looking tree....then Brainy Chick decides he needs to pee....and we find another tree....then our little friend, who is NOT a boy, decides SHE needs to pee....and since I am ill equipped in how to help a little girl pee in the woods, I sent her to the portojohn...ALONE....because they were all warned that I was NOT NOT NOT going in there..and I mean what I say!

-Birthday party day for Busy Chick...he is in FULL on gimme gimme gimme mode...he had his party at the farm...they have a little cow train at this farm...we are all getting ready to go on it, and one of our friends realizes she has lost her 3 year old...SEE...this stuff doesn't just happen to me!  All of the party except the missing kid go on the cow train....when we find him he goes on it too!

-night time at our house lately is a TOTAL show...I actually HATE bedtime because all I want is for Brainy and Busy Chick to get in their beds, be quiet, and go to sleep....I do not want them to ask for a snack, I do not want them to tell me what they are scared of, and I do not appreciate it at all when they come out of their room together, after being in there for less than 3 minutes, and tell me about a really bad dream they have Chick had decided earlier in the week that the ONLY thing that was going to help him fall asleep was his brothers stuffed animal called Foosa...well, we only have one of those, so after trying everything else, I give in and reason with Brainy Chick to give Busy Chick his Foosa...because let's face it, we all want him to go the f*%k to sleep....RIGHT??  So we get through that night, and I'm an idiot, so I truck to not 1, not 2, but 3 different stores the next day in search of Foosa...find the thing...only to have Busy Chick tell me that night, in hysterics, that he NEEDED an alligator...well...guess what...we don't own one...and we can't just go buy things that Brainy Chick demands every single night can since then...we have had 2 crying hysterics over an alligator...that we still do not have.....

This week the boy chicks are visiting their granparents for 4 days...and my next post will be all about how foolish I was when I just had one child and thought I was busy!  Until then....

Mama Hen....

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