Sunday, June 7, 2015

Life after the NICU and getting ready to move...

Let's see....since my last post was well over a year ago,  I suppose I should bring things up to speed a bit....

We did, in fact, have that 4th baby...although he isn't ALWAYS happy, he usually is, so for the purpose of this blog, we'll call him Happy Chick.  I could have called him Crazy Chick, or Busy Chick II really, because he is  He looks like Busy, acts like Busy....loves the things Busy's insane.  So...quickly...Happy Chick came 5 weeks early, was very very sick, hitched a ride to a higher level NICU in a helicopter, and kept us on our toes misbehaving in the NICU for the next 6 1/2 weeks.  In short, if you don't know me and want to google his issues, he had bilateral pleural effusions, hydrops, was born in heart and lung failure, was placed on ECMO for 10 days, and lived to tell about it.  Since this blog is more "comic relief" if you will, and that experience is more than a year in the dust, I'm just not going to go there.  If you are REALLY longing for a play by play, message me and beg, and maybe I'll give ya one.

So, fast forward about 15 months to when Happy Chick blessed us with his presence, and here we are!  Since we like to keep ourselves super busy and borderline in a state of nervous breakdowns, we've decided to a different less than 30 days.  BRING IT ON.  The Rooster took a job last year that ended up being less than ideal, in an undesirable location, and had him gone 5+ days a week, so obviously, he missed his crazy brood and we made a change. He is already working to the state that we are moving to, our farm is under contract, and our actual chickens (not the kid ones) are staying here...we've put a contract on a house down there and will be moving to the new house around the middle of July.

A few updates, now that we're all accounted for and up to speed....Brainy Chick has totally excelled in first grade, and according to him, everyone in his class thinks he's the smartest kid and always asks him for answers.   He's clearly very humble about his Brain!

Busy Chick conquered kindergarten and is counting down the days to the end of school and his 6th birthday.

Chickette is a sassy little mess...she's honestly like a sour gummy on the commercial...first she's sour then she's sweet!  She'll yell at me and tell me she doesn't love me, and then follow it up with "I only love you, I don't like you"....She absolutely hates bugs, and will completely lose her mind if one lands on or near her.

Happy Chick is usually a happy guy, but man is that kid strong willed!  He will bang his head on the floor when he doesn't get his way...I can't stand it.  He walks and runs, tastes everything he can get into his mouth whether it's food or not, and LOVES dogs.  He and Marley like to make out...the way Happy Chick greets our dog, and others, is by waddling over to them and opening his mouth, to allow them to lick inside it.  Pretty gross if you ask me...

The boys both played soccer this's how that went...the Rooster told Brainy Chick to be more I had noticed that at one game in particular he was "throwing a lot of bows" if you know what I mean....he had already done it a few times, and for this particular game, Brainy and Busy were on separate teams for the scrimmage....Brainy gets in there and starts spinning in circles elbowing everyone in sight, meanwhile, I'm screaming at him from the sidelines to stop it, and giving Rooster the stink eye, because obviously, this is all his fault.  Finally, Busy and another kid get sick of it and start hitting Brainy, who responds by hitting back!  Now, there's a full on punching and slapping fight in the middle of the soccer field involving 3 kids, 2 of whom belong to me!  Lovely!  The Rooster went out there and brought Brainy back with him, who after another try, and another round of throwing elbows at everyone, ended up spending the remainder of the game on the sideline.  My heart swelled with pride, since I obviously had done my part as a mother in teaching my sons good sportsmanship......or maybe I just grabbed Chickette and Happy and headed straight for the car!

Until next time....

Mama Hen